This article describes how to set up a personal Debian package repository with reprepro1 step by step.
install reprepro package
First of all, Let’s install reprepro
using package manager.
Assume that you are running Debian or any Debain-based distribution.
Just execute the following command to get reprepro installed in you system:
sudo apt update && apt install reprepro -y
Create OpenPGP key
OpenPGP key is used to sign the package matedata and the *.changes *.dsc files,
You must to create you own OpenPGP key to continue.
is the right tool can help us to do this。
It should be installed in your system by default. If not, install it manually:
sudo apt install gunpg
Then, execute gpg --gen-key
and follow the instruction to generate a key.
You can refer to here2 for more information about openGPG.
Configure reprepro
Once you have your OpenPGP key generated correctly. You can start configuring reprepro.
First, create the reprepro configuration directory.
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/repos/apt/debian/conf
Then, create the configuration file named “distribution”, put it into conf
cat /var/www/repos/apt/debian/conf
Origin: Your project name
Label: Your project name
Codename: <osrelease>
Architectures: i386 amd64 source
Components: main contrib non-free
Description: Apt repository for project x
SignWith: <key-id>
Third, add the second configuration file named “option” at the same position with “distribution”.
cat /var/www/repos/apt/debian/option
basedir /var/www/repos/apt/debian
(Optional) useing package form other mirror
This can be done by reprepro using overrides
For example, if you want to use package for debian’s official repository.